
Flowing over stone-- 5 ways to get your head in "the zone"

From Climbing Magazine

by Marc Taylor

As I started climbing it was as if something took over that was beyond conscious thought. My hands and feet located holds like they had minds of their own, and each move flowed into the next. Although I had visited this wall hundreds of times, it was easier to traverse than ever before."

Perhaps you can recall a time when everything just "clicked," and you were totally absorbed in the climbing. If so, you have experienced one of the greatest "highs" of sports: the flow state, often described as "being in the zone." Those who have been there describe an almost mystical experience that results in, among other things, increased confidence, heightened awareness, total concentration, and near-effortless movement. The following tips will help you experience flow more often and with greater intensity every time you touch rock.

Seek a challenge-skill balance. This is the golden rule of flow. If your hardest route is 5.10a, spending all day attempting a 5.12 will only result in frustration. Conversely, you'll likely get bored climbing a 5.6. Instead, seek routes that are both challenging and attainable. For example, you might best experience flow while climbing a 5.9.


Set achievable, process-orientated goals. Process-orientated goals stem from the activity itself, rather than external factors. The goal of executing a perfect layback is more conducive to flow than wanting to burn off your partner or impress a spectator. Achievable goals are in your direct control. "Not grabbing the quickdraw in the middle of that scary runout" is achievable, whereas "sending the route this try" is not.